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Good Housekeeping Competition 2018
The annual Good Housekeeping Day aims to promote the benefits of implementing good housekeeping, which not only enhances productivity, but also enhances employees’ sense of belonging. Harriman firmly agrees that safety and productivity starts from doing the basics right and this is very important to establish a habit of good housekeeping in our workplace to protect the safety and health of our employees.
This contest is jointly organized by Occupational Safety & Health Council, Labour Department and Construction Industry Council, this year over 200 participants participated in this contest and our managed properties, Citi Tower has won Merit Award and One Bay East DMC has won Merit Award and Best Presentation Award - Bronze Award. Our managed properties, Lexington Hill, The Babington, Chelsea Court, One Midtown, Telford House, Manulife Tower, World Tech Centre and Cheong Hing Building also received Certificate of Participation to acknowledge their active participation in the contest.